Sunday, November 30, 2008

My heart splits like crazeee! I played hard only to know that i'm the stupidest person on earth. I'm a wholly shit coward. I jst cannot let it goooo, help me please! I wont think, but each and every hr/min/sec, i think! Fck up!
Nicholasyee is going off for a long camp, take trucks loads of care & may you have fun there! This coming week would be a very busy week for me. Packed like sardine.
In my heart. I miss you

Hello! Ystd was a hectic day. Morning to hwa chong for the chinese thingy, regarding Chinese school thing. Supposedly to bugis library aftermath, in search of cheenastudies with Tzeyu&Limin but was cancelled at the very last min. So town lunched with Junwen & Fiona. Was hungry man! had KFC for our v hungry meal. The entire trip to chinese high, i only rmbred whining to each other "i'm hungry". & yes, Junwen&fiona kept laughing at my leg, like "bai ka". Anyway Lunched at Shaw & saw Elton. Tuition from 3.30-8pm for me. I dont understand Probabilty at all! Wt-hell.

Today- Mother woke me up damn early, 9am! Down to Uncle's stall for lunch with her since sis had tuition. Then Tiongbahru plaza to make my Ezlink. Say byebye to adult fare for the time being. Hehhh! I'm happy, can save me alottt of money. Met Mr wong to pass him his things. & i'm home now! What a good weekend??=.= Most likely visiting Kegan later at SGH.

sis got a real bigg pink bear! That bear is fatter than me, almost the same height as me? hehh! i know who gave her. shhhhhhh/ Okay sidetrack- Fck, i think i need to save money. Or else sooner or later i'm gg to be damn it no money. Money roll in please!

This is my brother. a lil bit crazeee. He asked me snap this! I think is v crazeee & siao.

Friday at Jurong.

Steven & fiona!




The smalley young reporters. Impressive?

I think the christmas lightings for Fish&co. Superb!
Is like a dream place de feelings. Hearts!
Goodbye loves!

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