Friday, March 13, 2009

We're the cooliox-chio.est girl tonight! hearts zhixuan.
GP paper down. And i dont think i'll manage to pass, no faith in myself at all. And today is dearest ann's bithday, i'll leave my long long msg and blog post for her when i gotta more of her peeks. & hurry back to sing for your b'day celebration, my dearest ann lee. I love huggging her tight in sch, it looks as tho we're some lesbian, esp when we did that in canteen and the teachers giving us weird looks thinking we're the lesbo, i dont care. I jst love hugging her tight and i wanto celebrate her belated bigg day soon;D My sis b'day ystd was a bomb, cos i'm so going to steal her hellokitty cakes in my fridge. All her cakes are really lovely<3

Boa is seriously hot. I think she's damn hot. Esp when she's the one featured for forever21. pretty.

Steven tan, omg. Funnnnny.

The following peeks, are ((((: Serene being very funny. and cute. Cos, serene, elaine and huimin were fighting dont knw over what. and they got really agitated that they started bickering etc. and i snap shot them in actions. lol

I smiled hard today. i love bitching with the girls.

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