Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hello people:D

Ohyes, How's your day?? mine was good, but i'm really tired. Very dependent on coffee every single night. By the way, my day started with a Heart shape bread that mum bought for breakfast, Tho the bread tasted bad. Pe was running to CCK Park, i tell you i'm the most suaku person on earth. Cos today is the first time i went to CCP park. Teehee. But i love morning run<3 And fuqin didnt go to school today); Ps eh! I want makeups, i want makeups!! I cant wait for my face to faster freaking recover and use my makeups when i head out. Hardcore falling in love with M.a.c hellokitty products. I think is damn nice. Hellokitty. I want the blusher, the colour that i want is not in the series of hellokitty's. I want to head out shopping. I hate the no life feelings at times. I cant wait for weekends to be here. Sis b'day tomor. I shall give her a treat in anything she wants to eat/ or anything that she wants. I'm nice right?

I'm gg to crap again. You know, i hate bus ride home alone. Normally i would fall asleep and then when i woke up it felt as tho my neck is in perfect 2 pieces. The breaking-feelings kills. & Sometimes, i wonder if i drool? haha. And what if those passengers saw my saliva? how would they react? i was thinking real hard jst now on my way home. & i rmbered vividly that last yr, in my Pee-double-youu grp,both me & tzeyu the bestest partner in the written report section. Then both of us were so tired while waiting for Mr Kow to entertain us. We felll asleep and best part. From the normal-classroom desk to the floor, my saliva fleww down. And mama-goodness. Damn embarrasing. I estimate the height to be about 1metre away from floor. I think i'm damn ownage that i can even drool to that state last year. And tzeyu laughed her way off at me. But i'm not those damn disgusting girl who love to drool saliva that much.

Mumsieee's hearty bread. Apparently dont look hearty shape here. i dont know why.

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