Sunday, March 22, 2009

I love my thick hairs.

I'm currently locked down by common test(apparently, my results would be bad cos studying at home aint productive at all. F!)I'll be back with photos on thursday. No school tomor, yayyness?

Was chatting with Minyang on msn ystd, and his toes were giggling at me cos i thought his golf have SYF lol. Damn funny. Cos he told me he's tight down with alot of competitions, syf. And i only know he played golf and violin very often. I didnt know there's syf for violin. So i asked him "OMG, so cool! There's SYF for Golf" (he laughed his way through &commented that i'm ben dan*) I think it was damn embarrassing. Laughing stock. On top of that, we concluded that Bass(big brother)>Cello>Viola>Violin(small sis). He played viola, and i want viola to be the sister. Cos it sounds femmine. how cool is this? Hehh. I miss minyang :D

Catch up with skiplim for that shortwhile, extremely last min. And the very nice me met him to kill his time. I love meetups with my oldie friends.

I saw dennis! And is really nice when he told me to study hard and stuff. I miss him alot too. So many peoples in my me-missing-them list. As time passes, i'm starting to know who are the peoples whom i love most, and who are the peoples not worth loving.

On a very random note, i want time to rewind back 7 or 8yrs ago. I kept knocking hard on my head, and to realise that i had missed out what happened so many years ago. If only..............

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