Monday, May 26, 2008

hello wello, wello hello loves~
Today is a really PROJECTWORK day for me. 9am all the way till 4pm, with just 30mins of break. Can you see my project face? or imagine pls!! We have not finished GPP, like we re-do the whole proposal again? OMG OMG- mother pls slap for face real hard now! & i guess tomor i'll have project face too.Shit.(Tomor, time pls fly) hahahahaha. Then met Rashid&Edwin for meeting. Mental block like siao. I'm damn tired. Jiamin's b'day on friday, i'm so going to be hyper about it.

I suddenly dont know what to type-_- & fuqing just told me smth. Wahhh he ps me. I dont want to be the only one going to Thursday's chem lecture. I dont want to be momo-e, haha whatever emo.

Howeyong, what i told u is damn true okay. I wanto know alot of things. haiyooohh, you pangsai water polo & water polo.Felicia, meet me on wed or thur.

I saw this kittybag, is super sweet

my pink nice right? hahaha

A series of very very stresss members.
We hate GPP okay~

stressss. you see

Sharon taught me this. the emoticon. ahhahaha
Clever girl! xD cool right. hahaha.

Okay went for the calligraphy competiton & of cos Thankyou Jiahui for the lovely Hellokitty sweet. Is so sweetx1000000000000000000 times. Haha. cos she went there too. How nice! Okay then went to BukitBatok for Project work. Long long long hrs of discussion & it wasnt very productive, Dont know why? haha. but we had fun. SORRY SHARON, i'm a guilty bitch! i made her burst into tears all because of my stupid naggy questioning. CHEERUP(: Things wil be alright. Just look on the bright side. I love you girl.Then town to shopp & meet mother&sis((:

Bukitbatok, the place where we ps you.
you was damn pissed. Didint wanto pickup my calls
Didnt wanto talk to me. It was just as if ystd.


Finally~ this is the photo of YY" yangyi! haha
i found it man!!

I still miss you like siao. Dont know why.
I know Hy is going to scold me. But i really dont know luhh.

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