Thursday, July 31, 2008

you know what, today is thursday already.Is always like this. Zommmx, & weekend round the corner. Cant wait for saturday, cos i'm so going to see Howeyong((: Going his sch. I miss the time when both of us really emo-shit & always heart-to-heart talk everyday. I miss it badly. Xiuihui's b'day was ystd, HAPPY SWEET 17! Only manage to get her a small lil cake on that day. I'm so sorry. People, AGAPE 2 is coming up! so to whoever who wants to donate blood, pls come & look for me. I can explain to you the detail etc etc. To everybody!!

Next is pioneer heartbeat this coming weekend! At vivo-city. SAT&SUN, from 10am-10pm.Most likely will be tending the stalls with zhixuan on sat evening. Super funny, i have not checked my time slot. Who knows, maybe i need not tend the stall. Whatever it is, pls go down to support.okay!! see me see me!!

alright, i need to do my work now! A mountain of undone homework. haha
weeling, at times you suck!!
you make a difference.

haha., lolx.

looking sleepy. hahahahaha

i dont know why xiuhui close her eyes. haha
my lousy skill

Annlee diedie also want take pic from my webcam.

& schh wireless sucks like dono @#$%^&*

damn it.

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