Sunday, July 27, 2008

felicia erh. your photos at the bottom.
sunshine face!! haha.. whatever.,..............

Ystd photos. Dinner with felicia,xiwen,olivia friday night((: Is jst like quite long since i last met them. Pastamania, bagus!! very long since i last ate. & then chill at! Bought alotttt of donuts for my self & other ppls.((: Is so lovely when you see all the donuts so colourful. & recommended place to slack at bugis will be The ambience,donuts,drinks totally brighten up your day. All of us split ways & i went to meet gkr. Donuts for gkr 8) slacked all the way. & home sweet home since i felt my lenses dropping out soon. I didnt know gkr was so tired, ended up i hai this person missed the stop. so sorry. sorry sorry sorrry.

sat- meet the parent session.home to sleep since i need my sleep so much. today is a good day!! i had my Beans today. so long since i last had my mocha. all time favourite((:
shall eat ikea's food later. craving for it. now is 12.10am. i;m gg watch tv.
R have a coolcool hair style, cant wait!!Night alll...

i'm gg yoyoyoyoyoyo.. what's next?((:

i dont know why but i miss sunshine smile.

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