Saturday, August 08, 2009

Just once, i'm a good daughter!




I like to imitate orang utan's lip or mouth. My bad!
I dislike my round face!

Headed down to mount elizabeth to help my mum collect some stuff, and apparently i was sleeping when she called me to run errands. I rushed there in less than 45mins. My mum sponsored cab or else i wouldnt have go. (That's me for being such a good daughter!) I think i'm heroine for the day. Anyway, i think i have wasted the damn day today, cos i thought national library will be open tomorow. But i was just informed by my sis that is not going to open the big door for me. I need Bugis national library, i need the reference books very badly. Online resources are not very reliable or credible. How?

Okay, i'm going to see Great henry Lee for tuition now. Goodbye. 7-9pm

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