gabriel"BRA &Weeling
hello babe(:
super happppy now, cos i got home so bloody early. anyway today consider as badviagood day lol.morning assembly i'm so outstanding-_- dearest ms lau not in sch & then i stood up for the whole assembly. just because i didnt bring nametag. is embarrasing. mslau always let me off for not bringing but she didnt come to sch i die. no choice mdmteoh ask me stand periods damn song.. then PE... me&olivia were laughing at guorong's small butt. he has a small piggu lolx. not we pervert but helly funny lol. think he slim down & the frigging butt is small lol.. late for PE and had to run 3rounds. good luck right. then another 2rounds at clarence field. so we walked. is nice being with dearestoliva(: she told me Bra seems rather down for the past few days. cheerup okay,bra. We want to see that cheerful you.yes.
Biology practical was haiyooo. we used dono who's urine to test for the reducing sugar. was so gross lolx. wondering whos' urine was like 2 big beakers to the brink filled with urine.Then sch ended lolx. yupp.
felicia asked me to tagg along to watch harry potter but i turned her down lol. like being such a big lightbulb with her&rongsheng. walao. i know she dont want to ps me. but is okay. thanks sweetie.ILOVEYOU. haha.
Oreocheesecake VS royalblackforest cake.
Of cos my favourite blackforest will win.haahaha.
some people going to slap me. hahah
and hey weijie. happy counting sheeps? or cried? sorry sorry cant talk on the phone.
i'm getting a real headache now. like wangzhi's b'day how? is like i'm going to be the organiser.. & how should i comeup with a proper plan? my instinct tells me that i will faint.
i feel like running a freaky 10km now.
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