Hi guys! How's life? This week been a bad one for me. Hectic, Heavy Heart, Moody, Worrying, Just want to cry my hearts out. Econs test was the one, I spent the entire week reading through and I've taken it in the afternoon. I want to at least pass for this test with a decent pass grade. I know is not counted in my overall but at least I want to see an improvement. (I have this bad feeling that is going to come back bad)
I'm not going to disclose much but treat old people well because one day we're the ones going to be oldies. Just these two weeks, I've made numerous trip down to the hospital (between sing and malaysia's hospital) for visiting. It just occur to me that in times of a sickness/crisis (oldies kind) that you'll see how human beings react. It upset me most when I walked along the corridor of the hospital seeing old patients lying on the bed in pain. Especially when I came across a few who's trying so hard to get up from the bed by themselves. Obviously a few nurses pretended that they didnt see and walk off. Where's their family members when they need someone most? Humans are warm-blooded. They can sense and feel if someone is truly concern about them. Next time, all of us will be old. We don't want to be lonely and be left out. We want to be loved by our family members. Just put ourselves in the shoes of the old lonely patients, is sad right? I reminded myself that I want to be filial. Even though there are times that you will quarrel with your family and nasty words coming from you but be sure to be there for your family when they need this support. I was feeling horrible because I see the ugly side of human and certain things are not within our control. Everybody wants to paint a beautiful picture but how is it possible when you're not willing to take part in it? Deep inside me was struggling because I thought everyone thinks the same way as me. Nonetheless, I was wrong.
I hope things will get better and turns out fine. Please.
Stress. Weeling, please manage your time well for the next few weeks! (Work and studies) My coordinator job is starting tomorrow. Wish me luck. So many things for me to juggle between, if only I'm superwoman.......