My dearest,sweetest,cutest,darling MSLAU
2007 graduation day. half of my pics loaded only.
more to go but blogger cant upload now.
Everything ended nicely. mybe what they said is true " it is not the end, but a new beginning" but somehow uncomfortable feelings. I like the certbook or folder. i think this year the sch invests in such a way that the cert folder is damn pretty. ILOVE IT. blogger siao so i cant load. nvm my next post more pics.I feel so proud to be QUEENSTOWNIANS especially when MrLau pass me the cert folder. it looks gorgeous. haha.
Holland in the noon with them(girls&Bra) Holland is love. My next trip there, i wanto stop at (Hog's Breath cafe) the atmosphere damn nice. then splitways with them while i headed dowm vivo to meet weijie&alex. before meeting them i met geraldine&ivy. so sweet of them to accompany me wait for that two late person. Then the super late person reached & we ate Ljs. Alex is indeed a real joker. Then when i was dying of lungcancer, russell was like with his girl. so happyy to see him. finally i see his girl. haha. somehow that girl shy. I dont want to see my friend die. maybe what alex said is right, i watch too much TV till my brain siao. but BOYFRIEND~ my boy de friend, please please please dont get involve. i feel that you may do silly things.I dont want to see you die. can u hear my whisper? supposedly watch movie but no movie.. uhmmm movie soon with WJ.. okay!!
will load the other half of the photos on the next post. blogger dont let me post photos. awwww..
byebye off to watch tv.
&& I'm going PROM. Chanpeixian, go PROM...
Nephew is sweet to be short.
I"ll Jump till my legg break.
I miss her 1234567890
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