sorry you cant see me(: hahha
tomor prelims starting~ all the best people. of cos all the best to me. yupp.
i just typed.. but then i cleared all, dont feel like posting much.just not in the right mood.
thankyou to all dearestfriends who dotes me so much. okay that word sounds wrong. but cos being my angels, whenever they see hellokitty stuff & they will buy it for me & bring it to sch the next day(: hahha. thanks, you all are loved by leeweeling. & of cos that bird who make the cake & asked me to eat. thankyou. that bird is none other that chanpeixian(:
ohyes, the 3Js' came up to me. "weeling, we failed all the subs" i screamed & yelled like siao.Ooi told me Heng gotten 2/100 for his prelims for some sub, then he 1/100. & then i believed. ended up JEREMYOOI said he bluff me. slap him ehh. missed the time when we're close. hahha. i miss the 3Js' work hard for your N, dont disappoint me.
oops i talked too much le. bye
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