I love 08S12. We're so nerdy, so cute, so geeekky as a class today. Feels good. Love them. We're extremely special today, only us! Hahaha. I want to receive photos from my classmate asap. Our class photos very cute and funnny.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I miss.....
This feeling of really going to miss all my peejay friends crawling all over me. Farewell assembly is on friday and it will really be the last time that the class get together. Or rather the cohort together. S12 is definitely great. Council peeps and hse capts/vice capts, i miss all of them. Peejay is not really that big but it seems like i only see my classmates in sch. How strange? Should i open my eyes bigger and wave to many of them.
Polo- ownage! ((((:
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Photos taken some time ago. Anyway i want canele patisserie chocolaterie's cake now! Like now! cake/pastry delivery now! I think wait long long. Urghhz, i want a small face, i think my face is big and round. Recently many people been telling me that i looked dead. Walking zombie, face very pale, daze-look. Omg! But i dont feel unwell or whatsoever. I think is so cute when one of the girl told me to drink chicken essence and then green bean soup at the same time so that it will balance off. Cos i will fall sick once i drink those essence and stuff. But, i'm craving for green bean soup now. Well, it seems like i'm cravng for almost all the food.
Hao le! gtg bye. i'm more active on twitter nowadays. catch me there. k! Byebye